The installation error message appears when you try to update with PSC2100UPD.exe.
Installation fails under the following OS environment:
- Windows® 7 Home Premium (32-bit/64-bit) or Windows Server® 2008 Standard (32-bit/64-bit)
- Internet Information Server (IIS) is not installed or a certain function of IIS is disabled.
- Windows® 7 Home Premium (32-bit/64-bit)
- Go to [Control Panel] > [Programs and Features] and select [Turn Windows features on or off] to show the [Windows Features] window.
- Turn on the [Internet Information Services] checkbox.
- Make sure all the following features are selected and press the [OK] button to install them.
- Web Management Tools
- IIS Management Console - World Wide Web Services ->Common Http Features
- Static Content
- Default Document
- Directory Browsing
- HTTP Errors - World Wide Web Services -> Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
- Request Monitor - World Wide Web Services -> Security
- Request Filtering - World Wide Web Services -> Performance features
- Static Content Compression
- Web Management Tools
- Windows Server® 2008 Standard (32-bit/64-bit)
- Run [Server Manager] and select [Roles] > [Add Roles].
- Turn on the [Web Server (IIS)] checkbox and make sure all the following features are selected. Follow the installation wizard to start installation.
- World Wide Web Services -> Common HTTP Features
- Static Content
- Default Document
- Directory Browsing
- HTTP Errors - World Wide Web Services -> Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
- Request Monitor - World Wide Web Services -> Security
- Request Filtering - World Wide Web Services -> Performance features
- Static Content Compression
- World Wide Web Services -> Common HTTP Features