Please follow the steps that follow when one of the following messages and error codes is displayed.
- "An error occurred during communication (DS41003, DS42002)"
- "Selected scanner is used by other application (DS42004)"
- "The specified scanner is being used (DS41005)"
- "Cannot communicate with the scanner (DS42064)"
- "Communication failed (DS42019)"
Those problems occur when the scanner driver or application does not receive any response from the scanner. Try the following measures in order from 1 to 4.
Check as follows the status of communication between the computer and the scanner.
Is the scanner turned on and ready to operate?
[How to check whether the scanner is ready to operate.]
Models with an LCD display: "Ready" is displayed on the display.
Models with a Function Number Display: "1" is displayed on the display.
Are you using a USB hub, a USB extension cable, or a (long) third-party USB cable?
Connect the scanner and the computer directly with the USB cable that comes with the scanner. -
Is the USB cable connected properly? Or, is it in good and undamaged condition?
Ensure that it is firmly inserted and not loose.
If you have another USB cable, try reconnecting to the scanner with the other cable and check if it works. - Have you tried using another USB port on the computer?
Check whether the problem is solved by changing the USB port.
If you are using a USB 3.0 port in particular, try using a USB 2.0 port.
Check whether the computer and software are ready to be connected to the scanner.
Does the scanner driver support the scanner you want to use?
Check the scanner driver version. If necessary, update the scanner driver to the latest version.
If you are using a 64-bit operating system, check the bit version of the application you want to use and install a scanner driver with the same bit version.
For PaperStream Capture, install a 32-bit driver. For details, refer to the following:
PaperStream Capture shows the "SX03047E" error when PaperStream IP (TWAIN x64) is installed.
Have you tried restarting the computer?
After installing a driver, restart (not Shut down) the computer. -
Is the scanner being used by another application?
Exit the application that is using the scanner. -
Has the correct scanner been selected in PaperStream Capture.
"No scanner is found (SA01020E)" appears.
Check the following regarding the computer environment.
Are you using USB device restriction software?
Ensure that the scanner is excluded from restriction in the software settings. -
Is your anti-virus or security software interfering with scanner recognition or scanner operation?
Check the logs of your anti-virus or security software (for actions such as "stopped it as an unknown program", "deleted files", or "quarantined the program").
Exclude the scanner driver from detection by the anti-virus or security software, then check whether it works.
Is "Disabled" or "Unknown device" displayed for the connected scanner in Windows Device Manager?
To reinstall the scanner driver:
a) Right-click [Unknown device] or the scanner name under [Imaging devices] and select [Uninstall device].
b) Turn off the scanner.
c) Reinstall the scanner driver and restart the computer.
d) Connect the scanner to the computer, then turn on the scanner and check the connection status.
Right-click the scanner name and select [Properties], check the error code in the [General] tab, then take measures in accordance with the error details. Click here
[When the connection has been successfully established.]
[When the status is "Disabled".]
[When the status is "Unknown device".]
[Example of a message displayed in [Device details] in the [Properties] window.]
[Examples of an error message.]
If the problem still persists, try the following measures and check whether the problem is solved.
Try uninstalling the scanner driver, then installing the latest scanner driver.
The latest driver can be downloaded from fi Series Software Downloads.
Also refer to "USB 3.0 connection is unstable
- Right click the [Start] menu, go to [Computer Management] > [Services and Applications] > [Services], and right-click [Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)] on the [Services] window below and select [Restart].
Note: If this service is not started, select [Start].